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    Emilia Romagna

    Incontra il costume da bagno SI 2023 Rookie Sixtine Rouyre
    L'influencer per la neutralità del corpo fa il suo debutto in SI Swimsuit Issue.

    Autoproclamata sostenitrice della neutralità del corpo, Sixtine Rouyre è una modella e influencer sui social media che usa la sua piattaforma per ispirare altre donne ad amare il proprio corpo indipendentemente dalla loro forma o taglia. Con il suo messaggio, Rouyre ha fatto scalpore nel settore delle modelle ed è ora la nuova debuttante per l'edizione 2023 di Sports Illustrated Swimsuit.

    Nata a Bruxelles, in Belgio, si è trasferita con la sua famiglia a Fort Worth, in Texas, in giovane età e ha iniziato a fare la modella a 11 anni. Rouyre si è trasferita a New York quando aveva 18 anni per intraprendere la carriera di modella a tempo pieno.
    “Being a rookie feels powerful and strong”
    The 25-year-old calls her rookie year “so exciting” and “unbelievable,” stating that modeling for SI Swimsuit is something she put on her vision board and manifested into reality.
    Sixtine Rouyre was photographed by Yu Tsai in Dominica. Swimsuit is custom Navy Ray.

    Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated

    Sixtine Rouyre was photographed by Yu Tsai in Dominica. Swimsuit is custom Navy Ray.
    Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated

    “I was like, ‘O.K., Sports Illustrated. That would be cool. That sounds fun,’” she shares. “So I have a picture of one of the girls holding her Sports Illustrated magazine in Times Square, and it’s in the bottom corner [of my vision board]. I honestly forgot it was there, and then when I got the call, I was like, this is literally on my vision board. … It’s kind of just unreal.”

    Rouyre feels that being an SI Swimsuit rookie will allow her to use her social media platform for good to inspire and influence others.
    “To me, being a rookie feels powerful and strong,” she says. “I’ve always said that I never want to be just a pretty face as a model. If I have a platform, I want to be able to use it, and being a rookie allows me to do that.”

    Rouyre describes her day on set with the SI Swimsuit team as “so much fun,” sharing that she was in hair and makeup at 5 a.m. before starting her photo shoot at 7. After a lunch break, the shoot continued until sunset.

    “It was a long day. … But honestly, by the end of it I was like, ‘Let’s keep going …’ It was so fun, and the whole team was really nice, very sweet, and I think the photos are gonna look so cool,” she says.

    Rouyre shares that she was initially a bit nervous to collaborate with Yu Tsai.

    “I feel like if there’s usually one person I’m trying to impress on set, it’s the photographer. … That relationship is the most important because it’s the most intimate,” she shares. “We’re the ones that are working together to make the final image, to make the art, and so I’m always the most self-aware of my relationship with the photographer.”

    However, she says immediately after meeting Yu Tsai, she was put at ease: “I was like, ‘Oh, this guy’s gonna be great.’”

    “I got to shoot Sports Illustrated on my 25th birthday”
    Rouyre says her favorite moment on set was her second-to-last shot, in which she wore a unique piece of swimwear and got involved in the creative direction.

    “I had this one-piece swimsuit that was kind of fishnet-y with shells all over it, and it just fit me so well,” she shares. “We hadn’t tried it on in the fitting, so I hadn’t seen it before. … And I was like, why don’t we get in the water for this shot?”
    The moment took place at dusk. Rouyre got her hair wet for the shot, styled in a slicked-back look, and ventured out into the water for the snap.

    “That [photo] was just so good,” she says. “I got to be in the water for the shot. [Yu Tsai] was like balancing on rocks, which was really funny.”

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